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CHARLOTTE POSENENSKE   |   DÜSSELDORF   13.03.20 - 21.08.20



Between 1966 and 1968 Charlotte Posenenske created her complete sculptural oeuvre including the wellknown Vierkantrohre (square tubes) made of sheet metal and corrugated cardboard and the reliefs and Faltungen (foldings) made of sheets of aluminum. Minimalism, seriality, variability and participation are key aspects of her work. Most sculptural works are composed of simple geometric forms, made of a single material, raw or enamelled with basic RAL industrial paint. These objects are serially produced and could function as prototypes for industrial mass production. The object’s convertibility in different situations or spaces and the participation of the „consumer“ (collectors, curators, audience) has always been important for the artist.

Before turning to sculpture in the mid 1960s, Posenenske was working primarily on paper, fibre and cardboard, experimenting towards simplification and mechanization of the artistsprocess. By means of using a palette knife instead of a brush in a quick manner, she erased all gestural traces avoiding and dimishing any kind of subjectivity.

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