esprit | DÜSSELDORF 30.08.24 - 09.11.24
organized by K.R.M. MOONEY
manuel arturo abreu, Eva Barto, Bill Bollinger, stanley brouwn, Tony Chrenka, Edith Dekyndt, Jan Dibbets, Nöle Giulini,
K.R.M. Mooney, Brandon Ndife, Winona Sloane Odette, S*an D. Henry-Smith, Ricardo Valentim, Jessica Vaughn
esprit considers zones of transference, presenting works that adapt to and animate the contingencies of the gallery space and a consciousness of place.
Taking up nodes across generations, Konrad Fischer Galerie’s history offers a foundation and a conceptual frame where esprit brings closer together the oscillating registers and lasting attachments in sculpture and pursuits of conceptualism.
- ( K.R.M. Mooney )
The essay referring to our show written by Nicholas Tammens
On the occasion of this years DC Open, the gallery will be open throughout the weekend:
Friday, 30 Aug, 6 – 9 pm
Saturday, 31 Aug, 11 am – 7 pm
Sunday, 01 Sep, 1 – 5 pm