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esprit   |   DÜSSELDORF   30.08.24 - 09.11.24



organized by K.R.M. MOONEY

manuel arturo abreu, Eva Barto, Bill Bollinger, stanley brouwn, Tony Chrenka, Edith Dekyndt, Jan Dibbets, Nöle Giulini,
K.R.M. Mooney, Brandon Ndife, Winona Sloane Odette, S*an D. Henry-Smith, Ricardo Valentim, Jessica Vaughn

esprit considers zones of transference, presenting works that adapt to and animate the contingencies of the gallery space and a consciousness of place.
Taking up nodes across generations, Konrad Fischer Galerie’s history offers a foundation and a conceptual frame where esprit brings closer together the oscillating registers and lasting attachments in sculpture and pursuits of conceptualism. 

-  ( K.R.M. Mooney )


The essay referring to our show written by Nicholas Tammens

Click here for our portfolio

On the occasion of this years DC Open, the gallery will be open throughout the weekend:

Friday,  30 Aug, 6 – 9 pm
Saturday, 31 Aug, 11 am – 7 pm 
Sunday, 01 Sep, 1 – 5 pm

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